Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Two Of Matches

Planning Progression Discovery

The Two of Matches card

“Who better to represent long-term planning and discovery than a spirited woodland squirrel, devoting an entire season to prepare for the next. The leaves are just beginning to turn, alluding to the onset of Autumn. Our friend commands post inside an armillary sphere, her celestial framework and guide. Her telescope symbolizes a focus on the distance. ” A message from Madam Clara, author of the 5¢ Tarot Deck

Your Message

Two’s in the tarot represent choices, balance and duality with a messages that starts with “I know.”  You have probably reach a decision point that can be distilled to the saying “Should I stay or should I go?”  The squirrel in this card feels both hemmed in and protected in its cage; this structure represents its world.  The squirrel needs to make its own decisions and take its own path.  Only seen by the squirrel are the compass markings on the inside ring of the segmented sphere.  Do not be so concerned about the opinions of others at this time and create a plan that is right for you.  If you decide to stay, examine your commitment and be aware of stagnation – don’t get caught standing on a hill overlooking the world while life goes on around you.  When you make the decision to GO, you are moving forward in a very good direction with this card because you know the way and you’ve studied the situation.  This is not some random trip, you’ve been planning this journey for a while.  You have prepared better than most and will discover things that will amaze you: not just about your world, but about yourself.   The sailing ship-captain’s telescope in this card represents foresight and charting the path while the smoldering matches represent action and motion.  If traveling, this could mean time on a ship or an overseas journey.

Love Message

In true duality form, if in a committed relationship, this card can indicate trouble or travel.  If the attention to your flame is being divided by an interest in someone else, it is time to examine things with your partner.  The card is going to test your commitment and contentment.   This card can also represent travel for the two of you and a chance to explore more of the world around you.  If you are single, there is a pretty good chance that you’ve got two people on your mind.  It seems a decision will be made on whether you like the adrenaline junky or the one who is more stable and thoughtful.

Career Message

The Two of Wands indicate new job opportunities, business partnerships and potential overseas dealings with clients, customers or business partners.  It also means that there could be a stable situation that you will have to leave in order to experience those new beginnings.  Because of the balancing nature of this card, you are probably in a good financial situation that will sustain you; no matter which choice you make.

Spirituality Message

This card is asking you to explore the options in your spiritual path at this time.  There may be something new out there that is waiting to be discovered.  There is no harm at looking through the options as you progress through your spiritual journey because there is so much to learn and experience.

Daily Yes or No question

This cards says YES.

Tarot Deck source and artwork: Madam Clara’s 5¢ Tarot, Second Edition

Past Daily Tarot Card Readings 

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