Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: The Death Card

Change Endings Transition

The Death Card

“The crow is most often associated with life mysteries and magic, and has come to be connected with death on many levels in so many cultures. In this card, the symbolism is not about a devastating ending; rather, an assertion of the powerful wisdom that as one door closes, another may open, signaling a pivotal moment to let go and move on. ” A message from Madam Clara, author of the 5¢ Tarot Deck

Your Message

With the Death card, you can be sure of one thing: Change.  It generally doesn’t mean actual death and the end of a life.  It is not always a harbinger of bad news in itself even with the black crow and the mummified horse in the card’s art.  Other surrounding cards in a spread may tell of what kind of change is happening.  The hour glass is a reminder that change in life is constant.  Here, the message is that something thing needs to end so that another can begin.  The bicycle imagery suggests that this could be a fast moving transformation, so hop on because you don’t want to be late.  Being a major arcana card, this is a life and major events message.

Love Message

This card can signify the end of a relationship, a major change in your relationship or the transition from being single to being partnered.  In a positive message, this can talk of a marriage proposal and engagement, or the change from a couple to a family with a baby on the way.  Negative aspects could be a partnership that isn’t going anywhere, as signified by the mummified horse.  The crow invites you to look around and gauge the situation before time runs out of the hourglass.  You just might see that the ending paved a way to bring you a much better situation.

Career Message

Something is transitioning in your job or career.  It is a significant event that could mean moving to a new department, new project or even a new location.  The horse and the crow may be telling you that the old stale management is being replaced by more capable people that can finally see what is going on.   Regardless of the case, the work life that you knew is coming to an end.  Change can be exciting when we initiate it but can be debilitating when enacted upon us.  The bicycle is saying “Roll with it.  Keep your balance and you will be safe.”  This card can also signify the end of one phase of life in order to make the next phase happen, such as completing school and entering the workplace.  It can also refer to the end of a career when it is time to retire.

Spirituality Message

This card can mean the end of a lifetime of ignoring your spiritual side and embracing that undiscovered part of yourself.  You could be on a journey to discover your higher self even if that path is difficult.  Not everyone understands when you find your spiritual calling and part of the transformation may be letting go of people that no longer serve your best interest.

Daily Yes or No question

Generally a big fat NO

Tarot Deck source and artwork: Madam Clara’s 5¢ Tarot, Second Edition

Past Daily Tarot Card Readings 

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