Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Seven Of Cups

Dreamer, Possibilities, Wishful Thinking

The Seven of Cups card

” The water scorpion bug, or Nepidae, has scythe-like front legs for seizing prey, here being the seven cups of wishes, dreams — and sometimes curses! All appear within reach, but choices need to be made, and all is not as it seems. The message is to see beyond illusion and allure, and instead focus on reality and what is truly right for you.” A message from Madam Clara, author of the 5¢ Tarot Deck

Your Message

Sometimes we have to make an unexpected decision among several choices or face many options with no clear winner.  Still, a choice is needed at this time.  Are you indecisive, quick to judge, or ready to make informed decisions?  Will you take the shiny diamond or the lump of coal?  Both are made with identical carbon atoms, yet a difference of the atom’s arrangement makes one black and low-cost while the other is clear and precious. Be careful of your choice!  A lump of coal is far more valuable in a stove during a freezing winter night than a diamond.  This card is a reminder that not everything is as it appears – even the pictured water scorpion is not an arachnid, rather an insect.  Wishing it was doesn’t make it so.   You may be seeing that the possibilities are plentiful but you need to understand each of them to make a wise choice.  You may be a day dreamer, which is ok, but we live in reality and not fantasy.

Love Message

If you are single when receiving this card, you may be “playing the field” with many attractive partnership candidates.  Maybe you are going to a singles event or your charisma makes you attractive to many people at once.  These people could be in the form of new faces, acquaintances or even old flames.  You’re dreaming of love and it seems that it is going to find you.  If in a relationship, this card’s message isn’t quite as rosy.  Others may appear to have more appeal that your current partner and you could be tempted at this time.  Take a step back to weigh your options and beware of the consequences of your actions.  That tempting hottie may have a secret of their own or a surprising personality trait.  Perhaps there is something in your own relationship that you haven’t been appreciating.

Career Message

Whether in a career or starting a new endeavor, the Seven of Cups indicates there are many options and opportunities to consider.  Sometimes that’s a good problem and other times can weigh heavily on our psyche when a choice has to be made.  Do you take the job with the bonus or the office location that is close by?  Do you introduce a new product line, expand current product lines or maintain the status quo?   This card is not going to give you the answer because it is asking you to consider your options.

Spirituality Message

It seems that you have been intrigued about the many ways to cultivate your spiritual interests.  There are so many choices in religions, spiritual studies and methods of reaching a higher levels of awareness that you may be overwhelmed.  There is no rush.  Consider all of your options before committing your energies.  The universe will wait.  A caution is needed to avoid living in illusion and fantasy when the real world beckons, because it will.

Daily Yes or No question

This card is full of yesses and no’s.  Choose again.

Tarot Deck source and artwork: Madam Clara’s 5¢ Tarot, Second Edition

Past Daily Tarot Card Readings 

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