Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Queen Of Matches

Take Charge, Courage, Fierce Energy

Queen of Matches card

“All hail the Queen Bee, taking charge on a giant blooming sunflower throne, symbolic of life, fertility, joy and satisfaction.  This character is about getting things done and radiating vitality.  Her bold, commanding presence is only countered by her companion cat, an expression or subtle hint of her lesser-known shadow self. ” A message from Madam Clara, author of the 5¢ Tarot Deck

Your Message

This court card represents a mature female who is likely to embody the characteristics of a matriarch.  With the matches in this card, she is high spirited, charismatic and very social.   Her family may be the the most important thing to her, as represented by the bee sitting on the sunflower; she is ready to provide for all.  With the cat in the card, this Queen is probably especially good with pets and animals.  Beware though, she’s got a temper and this queen bee can sting if crossed.  She can also appear to be somewhat egotistical and she has earned that trait through years of experience and success.

Love Message

This card talks about passion, confidence, and fertility.  The bee is a saucy minx!  She know what she wants and will put in the work to get it.  Life won’t be dull, that is for sure!   She is dedicated to the relationship and a warm person to be around.  She’s a family person and children in a happy home mean a lot to her.  If single, her social traits say to mingle!  Get out there and be yourself.  The Queen Bee doesn’t have any problems attracting potential mates because she’s not afraid to be her own individual which is very sexy.

Career Message

You have a passion for your job and you really good at it.  You are at or reaching the top of the company ladder and likely have many people or groups working for you.  You like the action and the attention because of the satisfaction that it brings.  If thinking about a new or additional project, you have the capacity to take it on with full force.  If entering the work force or considering a new career, this card indicates a “Go Do” because you are going to crush it.  You are also apparently good with money and enjoy the benefits of having enough resources to prosper in life.

Spirituality Message

Here again, your passion for all things spiritual shines through.  Your most difficult task may be to stay focused so that you get the most benefit out of your learnings and practices.  Instead of jumping from flower to flower, consider one big spirituality flower so that you get the most benefit out of your time.

Daily Yes or No question

A certain YES

Tarot Deck source and artwork: Madam Clara’s 5¢ Tarot, Second Edition

Past Daily Tarot Card Readings 

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