Greatest Good Village™

The Village is Open!

We are building a village

Because it takes a village to support everyone

By using the best platforms across the web, Greatest Good Village™ is a place for its villagers to get support for their spiritual, mental and general wellbeing.

You also have the option to expand your experience to gain even more access, insight and learning. For a lot of the ‘core’ elements to the village, they are based upon multiple different platforms – however it is strongly advised to sign up to at least ‘Pleasant’ here on this site too, to access the full amount of material available to you for free. A complete comparison table is at the bottom of this page.


‘Pleasant’ is our free account, and gives you access to:


Streaming most Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays - the Village meets to have free tarot readings, as well as, hangout and have fun.
Follow now


A wide selection of free teachings and resources available to you on-demand. Including free guided meditations, card reviews and Livestream Archives.
Subscribe now


The Greatest Good Village Hall is where the community hangs out during the week. We also run our Workshops from there too.
Open to all


Coming Soon Daily 'spirit messages' posted on our Instagram account, that you can use as meditations and/or journaling prompts.
Follow now


Our 'bat signal' for our community. Easy way to keep up-to-date with what has been released and news.
Follow now


Coming Soon Something new coming to TikTok, best follow us, so you don't miss it when it launches!
Follow now

Greatest Good Game

A fun way to learn and explore your spiritual development. Unlock goodies, earn badges and points.
Go on an adventure now

Access to Free Courses

Free learning and teaching available to ensure you are consistently powerful in your spiritual development.

News & Update Blogs

Find out what is happening to Greatest Good Tarot, Village and Game via the blogposts.
Read now

Manage your purchases and receipts from our Store

Always have access to your paid and free resources, downloads and products from our store.

Greatest Good Gazette™ Newsletter

Join our monthly (ish) newsletter for some amazing additional support and services, including: Spiritual insights & guidance, Special deals, Journaling prompts, and so much more…
Subscribe now

Comment on Blogposts

Have your say bring your insights, and build lasting friendships, by commenting on blogposts.


A ‘Pilgrim’ account will give you access to everything above, PLUS:

10% off Personal, Private Readings

Gain more insight with an issue, problem or situation with 10% off all tarot reading services, automatically discounted!

10% off all Merch

Get yourself a little something-something while knowing that you're getting 10% off all merchandise, automatically discounted!

10% off Paid Courses

Expand your learning and spiritual development with our paid courses, with 10% off all paid courses, automatically discounted!

Coffee Mornings

Bi-weekly informal voice chat with the Village. Can talk about anything, in a respectful and meaningful manner.
See Schedule

On Air (Subs) Access

Our Twitch livestream call-in system, via Discord. Don't just type in the Twitch chat during your reading - CALL IN!
Call now

1000 Success Coins

Each month earn 1000 Success Points in the Greatest Good Game™ - which can be put towards prizes!

Behind the Pixels Blog

From the desk of 'GG' - discussing what is currently going on in the village from his point-of-view. Updates, insights and current expansions to the village covered.
Read now


A ‘Protector’ account will give you access to everything above, PLUS:

15% off Personal, Private Readings

Gain more insight with an issue, problem or situation with 15% off all tarot reading services, automatically!

15% off all Merch

Get yourself a little something-something while knowing that you're getting 15% off all merchandise, automatically discounted!

15% off Paid Courses

Expand your learning and spiritual development with our paid courses, with 15% off all paid courses, automatically discounted!


Access additional information hidden in most blogposts and resource pages. Simply be logged in, and the hidden information will appear. Think of these as 'intermediate' and 'advanced' knowledge.

Readings Direct

No need to wait in the queue on the Twitch livestreams. Instead, join a special intimate stream via our Discord server for your readings.
See Schedule to Book a Slot

5000 Success Coins

Each month earn 5000 Success Points in the Greatest Good Game™ - which can be put towards prizes!
Open to all

'Behind the Pixels' Private Podcast

Bi-Weekly-ish private podcast - part behind the scenes, part 'sermon' with additional insights and teachings.

Voting Privilages

Have a say on the development of the Greatest Good Tarot, the village AND the game. Vote on what should be worked on and released next.


A ‘Prophet’ account will give you access to everything above, PLUS:

20% off Personal, Private Readings

Gain more insight with an issue, problem or situation with 20% off all tarot reading services, automatically!

20% off all Merch

Get yourself a little something-something while knowing that you're getting 20% off all merchandise, automatically discounted!

20% off Paid Courses

Expand your learning and spiritual development with our paid courses, with 20% off all paid courses, automatically discounted!

7000 Success Coins

Each month earn 7000 Success Points in the Greatest Good Game™ - which can be put towards prizes!
Open to all

Monthly Development Calls

Each month, have a personal 1-on-1 development call via our Discord Server with 'GG', allowing for true personal growth. Calls will last approx 45 mins.
See Schedule to Book a Session

Comparison of Village Memberships


Free / month
  • Join us on Twitch
  • Join us on YouTube
  • Join us on Discord
  • Play the Greatest Good Game
  • Access to our free courses
  • News & Updates Blogs
  • Greatest Good Gazette™ Newsletter
  • Comment on Blogposts
  • Manage your purchases and receipts from our Store


£4.99 / month
  • Join us on Twitch
  • Join us on YouTube
  • Join us on Discord
  • Play the Greatest Good Game
  • Access to our free courses
  • News & Updates Blogs
  • Greatest Good Gazette™ Newsletter
  • Comment on Blogposts
  • Manage your purchases and receipts from our Store
  • 10% off all Personal, Private Readings
  • 10% off all Merch
  • 10% off all Paid Courses
  • Coffee Mornings
  • On Air (Subs) Access
  • 1000 Success Coins


£9.99 / month
  • Join us on Twitch
  • Join us on YouTube
  • Join us on Discord
  • Play the Greatest Good Game
  • Access to our free courses
  • News & Updates Blogs
  • Greatest Good Gazette™ Newsletter
  • Comment on Blogposts
  • Manage your purchases and receipts from our Store
  • 15% off all Personal, Private Readings
  • 15% off all Merch
  • 15% off all Paid Courses
  • Coffee Mornings
  • On Air (Subs) Access
  • 5000 Success Coins
  • Expanse
  • Readings Direct
  • Private Podcast
  • Voting Privilages


£14.99 / month
  • Join us on Twitch
  • Join us on YouTube
  • Join us on Discord
  • Play the Greatest Good Game
  • Access to our free courses
  • News & Updates Blogs
  • Greatest Good Gazette™ Newsletter
  • Comment on Blogposts
  • Manage your purchases and receipts from our Store
  • 20% off all Personal, Private Readings
  • 20% off all Merch
  • 20% off all Paid Courses
  • Coffee Mornings
  • On Air (Subs) Access
  • 7000 Success Coins
  • Expanse
  • Readings Direct
  • Private Podcast
  • Voting Privilages
  • Monthly Development Calls

Don’t like commitment?

No worries, with no contract, you can cancel at any time. So what are you waiting for?

Please note, there are certain times of the year that Greatest Good Tarot will be closed down, and when services won’t be fulfilled until after these dates.

For example: Bank Holidays (UK public holidays), Easter, Christmas etc. You will be ALWAYS be notified when these will be a few weeks ahead, so if you wish to access a service – you can beforehand.

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