Manifest Your Online Business Success™

Have you tried to set up an online business, and find it is too confusing, with too many options, or second-guess if you are actually doing what you’re supposed to be doing? Are you stuck in the endless cycle of ‘research’ instead of actually doing? Perhaps you have this vision, but have no clue how to get it going in the first place. Or maybe, you have set something up, but you’re not seeing the results you desire. This mentoring opportunity may be for you!


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With over 20 years experience with online and multimedia production experience large and small, with this service, we are offering you a true and supportive helping hand. You now do not need to be alone to manifest your online business and achieve your goal. You will have someone who has the experience, knowledge and skills to actively bring your concept in to reality.

Each week, we sit down for an hour to review our progress, empower you with new skills, and develop the action plan for the next week. You will also be able to communicate with me during the week – for quick questions or support. We will also be able to work on media assets that you can use throughout your business. Instead of having to shop around, this is a simple one-stop shop solution. Need a logo? We have Photoshop. Need a leaflet? We have In-Design.

Within 90 days, you will:

  • Have completed 12 x hour long one-on-one weekly sessions that have given you the experience, knowledge, achievements and empowerment to be selling online with confidence
  • Have a well-designed, professional, powerful, secure and robust website ready to sell your products and services to the world
  • You will know exactly how your website works, and more importantly, how to use it in your day-to-day activities
  • Understand how to correctly market and drum-up interest in your business for sales, with credibility and without pushy endeavours
  • Have a selection of media assets that you can use throughout your business
  • Have true mastery over how to seamlessly, easily and frequently attract new customers to your manifested business

Month 1 – Building the Strong Foundations

We spend the month building a secure, robust, quality website that is there to serve and support your vision, instead of being a pixelated hindrance of mess. We will work together to develop your concept, design any necessary logos and media for your business – then release them in to reality!

Month 1 Minimum Win: Build a system that supports you and your purpose. Making sure it is robust, secure and safe for payments, and functions seamlessly for your customers. Designed beautifully. Working professionally. The true foundations for your vision. Your business is manifested!

Month 2 – Truly Simple Marketing & Promotion

Now we have a beautifully functioning website that is supporting you and your vision – month 2 is all about marketing and promotion. It’s learning about how we can work smarter, not harder. We will work on building quality materials to ‘naturally’ bring in customers on a frequent basis.

Month 2 Minimum Win: AT LEAST your first sale. The beginnings of a passionate following of potential customers. The cornerstones to attract and find more passionate customers. Levelling up your manifested business.

Month 3 – Fine-tuning & Laser-focused Success

Now we are starting to get data in, we will be able to start finding the ‘pinch points’ of your manifested business. We can focus more on what is working for your audience, and fix the bits that are not making the impact we are desiring. This is the 30 days that really makes the difference, to ensure you are doing what you love, without all the stress. Working better – not harder.

Month 3 Minimum Win: Clear copy & paste strategies, that mean you can practically put marketing on autopilot – meaning you can focus on what you love. Less time-wasting. More happy, fun time. Working more, doesn’t mean more results. Working better with clear strategies, means you can enjoy your work – and enjoy your life too. Work-life balance.

What you will need:

  • Approx £100 – £300 budget to invest in your website / business. Domains, hosting, plugins etc. All depends on the project you wish to manifest
  • An open, honest and excited working ethos, understanding we are on a collective mission to manifest your business. Co-creator vibes are important. Working together, does not mean it isn’t still your baby
  • An understanding that you will be given homework between each hour session – making sure we are moving forward


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