
Coffee Mornings

Coffee Mornings

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Coffee Mornings are a Bi-weekly informal voice chat with the Village. Can talk about anything, in a respectful and meaningful manner. Bring beverages (Coffee, obviously), [...]

Discord Events

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All events that are run on our Discord server.
Monthly Development Calls

Monthly Development Calls

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Private one-on-one monthly development call, for Prophet members. Allowing for consistent personal growth.

New Video Published

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Our latest and greatest videos on YouTube!
Readings Direct

Readings Direct

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Readings Direct is a "member's only" stream, via our Discord server, allowing for more prompt readings - instead of waiting in a HUGE queue on [...]


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When livestreams are happening on our Twitch channel.

Village Events

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Our 'in person' workshops.


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Either when videos are going live, or when livestreams are happening on our YouTube channel.

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