Daily Tarot Card

CMC_Airboss gives you a daily tarot card energy reading – ideal for journaling, meditation sessions and daily affirmation work. Tap in to today’s energy!

Queen of Matches card

Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Queen Of Matches

“All hail the Queen Bee, taking charge on a giant blooming sunflower throne, symbolic of life, fertility, joy and satisfaction.  This character is about getting things done and radiating vitality.  Her bold, commanding presence is only countered by her companion cat, an expression or subtle hint of her lesser-known shadow self. ” A message from…

The Six of Buttons card

Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Six Of Buttons

“In the animal kingdom, the great grey shrike is a uniquely — and morbidly — generous character, a carnivorous bird known for sharing its kill with others. This is a card of giving and receiving, and the cycle of abundance. The message here is that generosity ultimately pays off in the lives that we touch.…

The Seven of Cups card

Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Seven Of Cups

” The water scorpion bug, or Nepidae, has scythe-like front legs for seizing prey, here being the seven cups of wishes, dreams — and sometimes curses! All appear within reach, but choices need to be made, and all is not as it seems. The message is to see beyond illusion and allure, and instead focus…

The Two of Matches card

Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Two Of Matches

“Who better to represent long-term planning and discovery than a spirited woodland squirrel, devoting an entire season to prepare for the next. The leaves are just beginning to turn, alluding to the onset of Autumn. Our friend commands post inside an armillary sphere, her celestial framework and guide. Her telescope symbolizes a focus on the…

The Death Card

Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: The Death Card

“The crow is most often associated with life mysteries and magic, and has come to be connected with death on many levels in so many cultures. In this card, the symbolism is not about a devastating ending; rather, an assertion of the powerful wisdom that as one door closes, another may open, signaling a pivotal…

the Eight of Cups card

Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Eight Of Cups

” Here, the nomadic hermit crab has retreated into a teacup shell, turning his back and escaping current realities. Due to their gradual growth in body mass, this creature moves from one shell to another; the transition necessary for eventual growth. Recognizing that alone time is needed to reconnect with our inner selves, the inner…

Two of Buttons card

Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Two Of Buttons

“The mystical octopus symbolizes flexibility, creativity, intelligence, expansion and unpredictability.  Here, we have a fitting illustration of the balancing act before us, requiring us to constantly adjust and assess, manage our time, energy, resources and focus. There is a choice in the path ahead and we must trust our instincts. ” A message from Madam…

Knight of Needles Card

Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Knight Of Needles

“Here, we celebrate the greater roadrunner, relentlessly charging at its prey, with an eye always on the prize. This fearless character reminds us to think on our feet and take quick action on our ideas; insisting we have the knowledge, wisdom, and wits to see everything through to its finish. Our knight exudes that energy…

The Eight of Buttons card

Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: Eight Of Buttons

“It is said that if a shark stops moving, they will drown. The fascinating hammerhead shark figuratively and also quite literally illustrates this headstrong independence and dedication to a task at hand. The message here: focus and determination leads you to master a new skill. ” A message from Madam Clara, author of the 5¢…

The Fool Card

Your Daily 5¢ Tarot Card: The Fool Card

“In animal symbolism, the frog is associated with renewal and rebirth. Here, he is ready to throw caution to the wind and jump right in with a fresh new start. This card is about big possibilities and the promise of unlimited potential. Every free spirit needs a counter balance, so his sidekick grasshopper represents his…

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